June 9, 2009

scissors & markers

Gracie loves scissors- what kid doesn't - anyhow her favorite thing to do is cut paper into teeny tiny bits and then scatter them all over the house - it is great fun trying to pick it up - i was nervous at first about letting her use scissors but i threatened her life and gave her examples of all the horrible things that would fall upon her if she should ever cut anything other than the paper i gave her - luckily she has listened quite well - so that is nice -
Markers - another item that moms are afraid of and kids can't get enough of! anyhow i just loved that i came into the kitchen and gracie is laying on the table with her legs on the window just hanging out


Tricia said...

Add some play-doh and you'll have the holy trinity of trouble! Lorelai has only cut her hair once and luckily it just looked like a long layer instead of those awful short bangs that kids love. Gracie is getting more adorable everyday. We will have to get our girls together one of these days!

Michele said...

I threatened Jacob too when I let him cut paper with scissors. Well he cut his shirt while he was at it.