We took this fabulous vacation with the johnson so the tetons and yellowstone - which i will eventually post pictures about - but one of the days we took an extremely difficult long hike up the tetons starting in idaho and over the tetons ending in wyoming! - it was a long very fun hike-after it was over - anyhow part of hike did not have a trail we were leaving one trail and trying to connect with another trail - well it was snowy and steep and i was freaking out that we were going to be the idiot hikers that would be on the news the next day because we had died because we had left the trail- at one point we came to a ridge that dropped off - so we hiked over to another ridge - and as we were walking over to the other ridge i said a prayer just asking that please let us be able to go down safely and could i please just have a miracle- because i did not want to freeze on the mountain or die trying to go down something that wasn't safe - anyhow so i say my prayer and i look up and my brother in law is at the edge and it looks like he is waving at someone -
Well i come over to the edge and there is this old man coming up what we are trying to go down - anyhow i couldn't believe that my prayers were answered! and not just that we could go down but that someone had been sent to help us- tim - that was the mans name- had come from jennys lake - which is where we were trying to go - anyhow he told us he had been hiking this way for 20 years and had never seen anyone come this way before and that he must have be inspired to come today - which i totally agreed with
anyhow it may seem silly that i prayed for a miracle because really the shape or steepness of the trail wasn't going to change but i still just can't believe that Heavenly Father knew i would say that prayer and so he inspired someone to get out of bed, pack a backpack, and then go on a hike - just so that my prayers could be answered! it reminded me that we are all important and the smallest prayers -if they are important to us - can be answered
We have been trying to have a second child and it just doesn't look like it is in the stars for us and so sometimes it seems that my prayers are just hitting the ceiling - but i couldn't believe the love that i felt from above - that told me my prayers are being answered when they can - i loved our vacation and will always have good memories but this will always be something i remember and the best part of my trip - knowing that my simple prayer was answered in such a big way
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