Last week i was at my parents house when ben hands me his phone and tells me it is his sister breanna - anyhow so i answer and she asks me what i have planned for the next day, thursday, - and thinking she wants to do something i am vague in my answer and say just work but it is pretty flexible and then she drops the news - would i like to see Wicked tomorrow - and as my hearts starts racing i say of course - anyhow she proceeds to explain how her boss has this one ticket they aren't using because they are going out of town so would i like it- OF COURSE i want it- i was so excited because i had debated about waiting in the long lines to try and get a ticket but since ben had already taken me to see it in chicago i while back i thought i could survive without going this time - anyhow so i tell breanna of course i want to go and then i told her to tell her boss that i was very happy that they had hired her so that i could get this ticket! because of course that was why she got that job so i could go hahaha - anyhow so i got to go see wicked - and just for the record i felt guilt for about five seconds and thought about giving the ticket to someone else who hadn't seen it but then i realized they wouldn't really know what they were missing and i would so i had better use the ticket - i know i am horrible :) so that was my lucky day i got to go see wicked the second day it opened and i loved every second of it and if anyone else wants to give me a free ticket i will gladly use it for them as well - i know i am selfless like that what can i say hahaha
Good for you, Jamie. Wasn't it you who went to the Beauty and the Beast on Broadway? I think I remember something about that back in our "college" days. I think Dana said she was going to see Wicked too.
JEALOUS!!!!! SO JEALOUS!!!!! You must be "Pop u oo lar" to score that ticket.
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