Every year the sunday before halloween grandma gets all the johhnsons together to carve pumpkins! It is always crazy with pumpkins everywhere but tons of fun

There is grandma with her spread of food! it was so yummy

Breanna and Russ

Bobbisue & Layne

Grandpa and Amare

Everyone focusing and working hard

Gracies finished project - it is hard to tell - but it is a kitty - and she was so excited about it she wanted to sit by it, get her picture by it, but she wouldn't stop swaying back and forth- so that is why she looks retarded in the picture- but oh well she loves it - it even sat next to her in the car on the way home!

My finished pumpkin- a scary MONSTER!

Bens finished pumpkin - the grill on a jeep!- those circles are suppose to be headlights!
Looks like it was a lot of fun for the whole family. I loved Ben's Jeep! Have a great Halloween.
wow, my 1t time see this big and nice pumkins,it gr8!!
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