1. gracie started dance lessons - and has had two - one she cried and sobbed at with ben and one(today) that she went to class and listened without a parent (me) in the room -although her teacher did say she wouldn't stand up to do anything she would just sit on the floor and try to do it! anyhow but she is progressing so ya!
2. someone sent me flowers! beautiful roses which are still making my kitchen smell beautiful
3. as of saturday night i just got a much shorter title as far as church callings go - which is good because i never could remember the order and name of everything - family, personal, .. . .something
4. i got a cool new office space at work so now i just need to fill it up with pictures and funny comics - which is what i think you are suppose to do! it is nice because usually at work i just work at whatever place is open but now i have my own office! yeah
5. ben got straight A's at school again - and the best part is - i NEVER have to nag at him to do his homework
6. another side effect from the shot is crazy emotions - which is good and bad but lately it makes me laugh so hard over the silliest things - so i think my stomach is getting stronger and will soon be flat!
7. went to peach days and actually ran a 10K for the first time! yeah for me - i never thought i could do it but i did it! so then the whole rest of the day i didn't feel guilty about eating all the crappy fair food because i had already burned it off!
8. Got to see mel & mitch and of course addy, grandma and grandpa o'dair, my aunt and crazy uncle - who informed me that the reason he is skinny is because being good looking burns more calories than ugly! :) also some cousins i hadn't seen for a while plus tons of stuff with bens family - and since i love being around family it was a pretty great month!
9. but one of the best things this month is BEN - ben is hardly ever patient with me when i am grumpy - which i don't blame him because being around a grump is no fun at all - but this last month since i have been on my "crazy pills" as i affectionately call them -i have a huge range of emotions - similar to pregant emotions + PMS multiplied by 10! anyhow ben has been so patient and understanding - as i told my mom the other night - the prayers that are being said to help keep my calm - are not really working but they are helping ben and gracie be able to cope and live a crazy person! anyhow so that is one of the best things this month! now i think i will post another weird picture that has nothing to do with anything but i like it!

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